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List Of Surah & Para Numbers In Qur'an

Here is the concise list of Surah and Para numbers in the Quran. Find Surah and their responding Para Numbers easily with our reference guide.

List Of Surah & Para Numbers In Qur'an

Explore the comprehensive list of Surahs (Chapters) and their corresponding Para (Juz) numbers in the Quran. This guide provides you with quick access to the Surahs, making it easier for readers and students to navigate the Quranic text.

List Of Surah & Para Numbers In Qur'an

Surah Number Surah Name Para Number Para Name Brief
1 Al-Fatiha 1 Alif Lam Meem The opening chapter of the Quran.
2 Al-Baqarah 1, 2, and 3 Alif Lam Meem, Sayaqool, and Tilkal Rusul The longest chapter in the Quran, covering various aspects of faith and guidance.
3 Ale-Imran 3 and 4 Tilkal Rusul and Lan Tana Loo Explores the stories of past prophets and the importance of faith.
4 An-Nisa 4, 5, and 6 Lan Tana Loo, Wal Mohsanat, and La Yuhibbullah Addresses matters related to family, marriage, and inheritance.
5 Al-Ma'ida 6 and 7 La Yuhibbullah and Wa Iza Samiu Discusses dietary laws, legal matters, and guidance for believers.
6 Al-An'am 7 and 8 Wa Iza Samiu and Wa Lau Annana Focuses on monotheism, guidance, and accountability.
7 Al-Araf 8 and 9 Wa Lau Annana and Qalal Malao Contains stories of past nations and lessons to be learned.
8 Al-Anfal 9 and 10 Qalal Malao and Wa A'lamu Addresses the Battle of Badr and principles of faith.
9 Al-Taubah 10 and 11 Wa A'lamu and Yatazeroon Deals with repentance, war, and peace treaties.
10 Yunus 11 Yatazeroon The story of Prophet Yunus (Jonah) and his mission.
11 Hud 11 and 12 Yatazeroon and Wa Mamin Da'abat Emphasizes the stories of various prophets.
12 Yusuf 12 and 13 Wa Mamin Da'abat and Wa Ma Ubrioo Tells the narrative of Prophet Joseph (Yusuf).
13 Ar-Ra'd 13 Wa Ma Ubrioo Focuses on the concept of divine guidance.
14 Ibrahim 13 Wa Ma Ubrioo Highlights the life of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham).
15 Al-Hijr 13 and 14 Wa Ma Ubrioo and Rubama Discusses the people of Hijr and the consequences of disbelief.
16 An-Nahl 14 Rubama Emphasizes God's signs in creation.
17 Al-Isra 15 Subhanallazi Refers to the night journey of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
18 Al-Kahf 15 and 16 Subhanallazi and Qal Alam Contains stories of the People of the Cave and Moses.
19 Maryam 16 Qal Alam Narrates the story of Mary and the birth of Jesus.
20 Ta-Ha 16 Qal Alam Addresses the story of Moses and the message of God.
21 Al-Anbiya 17 Aqtarabo Emphasizes the lives of various prophets.
22 Al-Hajj 17 Aqtarabo Discusses the pilgrimage and the significance of faith.
23 Al-Mu'minun 18 Qadd Aflaha Explores the qualities of the true believers.
24 An-Noor 18 Qadd Aflaha Addresses issues of morality and modesty.
25 Al-Furqan 18 and 19 Qadd Aflaha and Wa Qalallazina Highlights the importance of distinguishing right from wrong.
26 Ash-Shuara 19 Wa Qalallazina Tells the stories of several prophets.
27 An-Naml 19 and 20 Wa Qalallazina and A'man Khalaq Discusses the story of Solomon and the ant.
28 Al-Qasas 20 A'man Khalaq Narrates the story of Moses and Pharaoh.
29 Al-Ankaboot 20 and 21 A'man Khalaq and Utlu Ma Oohi Focuses on the trials faced by the believers.
30 Ar-Room 21 Utlu Ma Oohi Discusses the significance of God's signs in nature.
31 Luqman 21 Utlu Ma Oohi Provides advice from Luqman to his son.
32 As-Sajda 21 Utlu Ma Oohi Emphasizes prostration and devotion to God.
33 Al-Ahzab 21 and 22 Utlu Ma Oohi and Wa Manyaqnut Addresses matters of marriage and social conduct.
34 Saba 22 Wa Manyaqnut Discusses God's signs in creation.
35 Fatir 22 Wa Manyaqnut Emphasizes God's power and creative abilities.
36 Ya-Seen 22 and 23 Wa Manyaqnut and Wa Mali Focuses on the truth of the message and the consequences of disbelief.
37 As-Saffat 23 Wa Mali Discusses the angels and their role.
38 Saad 23 Wa Mali Highlights the stories of David and Solomon.
39 Az-Zumar 23 and 24 Wa Mali and Faman Azlam Focuses on monotheism and accountability.
40 Ghafir 24 Faman Azlam Emphasizes the stories of past nations and their consequences.
41 Fussilat 24 and 25 Faman Azlam and Elahe Yuruddo Discusses the signs of God and the consequences of disbelief.
42 Ash-Shura 25 Elahe Yuruddo Addresses the importance of consultation and guidance.
43 Az-Zukhruf 25 Elahe Yuruddo Discusses the signs of God in creation.
44 Ad-Dukhan 25 Elahe Yuruddo Focuses on the concept of guidance and mercy.
45 Al-Jathiya 25 Elahe Yuruddo Emphasizes the consequences of disbelief and arrogance.
46 Al-Ahqaf 26 Ha'a Meem Discusses the stories of past prophets and their messages.
47 Muhammad 26 Ha'a Meem Addresses the life and mission of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
48 Al-Fath 26 Ha'a Meem Discusses the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah and the conquest of Mecca.
49 Al-Hujraat 26 Ha'a Meem Focuses on social conduct and relations between believers.
50 Qaf 26 Ha'a Meem Emphasizes the resurrection and the Day of Judgment.
51 Adh-Dhariyat 26 and 27 Ha'a Meem and Qala Fama Khatbukum Discusses the Day of Judgment and the story of Abraham.
52 At-Tur 27 Qala Fama Khatbukum Emphasizes the significance of God's signs in nature.
53 An-Najm 27 Qala Fama Khatbukum Discusses the concept of faith and worship.
54 Al-Qamar 27 Qala Fama Khatbukum Addresses the splitting of the moon and its significance.
55 Ar-Rahman 27 Qala Fama Khatbukum Highlights God's blessings and signs in creation.
56 Al-Waqia 27 Qala Fama Khatbukum Emphasizes the consequences of human actions.
57 Al-Hadid 27 Qala Fama Khatbukum Discusses faith, charity, and the concept of God's light.
58 Al-Mujadila 28 Qadd Sami Allah Addresses matters of social justice and testimony.
59 Al-Hashr 28 Qadd Sami Allah Discusses the expulsion of the Banu Nadir tribe.
60 Al-Mumtahana 28 Qadd Sami Allah Focuses on the treatment of non-Muslims in Muslim lands.
61 As-Saff 28 Qadd Sami Allah Discusses matters of faith, leadership, and responsibility.
62 Al-Jumua 28 Qadd Sami Allah Emphasizes the significance of the Friday prayer.
63 Al-Munafiqoon 28 Qadd Sami Allah Addresses the characteristics of hypocrites.
64 At-Taghabun 28 Qadd Sami Allah Discusses faith and accountability on the Day of Judgment.
65 At-Talaq 28 Qadd Sami Allah Addresses divorce and family matters.
66 At-Tahrim 28 Qadd Sami Allah Discusses the story of the Prophet Muhammad and his wives.
67 Al-Mulk 29 Tabarakallazi Emphasizes the sovereignty of God and the consequences of disbelief.
68 Al-Qalam 29 Tabarakallazi Addresses the character of the Prophet Muhammad and the importance of faith.
69 Al-Haaqqa 29 Tabarakallazi Discusses the Day of Judgment and the consequences of actions.
70 Al-Maarij 29 Tabarakallazi Addresses the concept of prayer and patience.
71 Nooh 29 Tabarakallazi This Surah tells the story of the Prophet Noah (Nooh) and his mission to guide his people.
72 Al-Jinn 29 Tabarakallazi Al-Jinn discusses the supernatural beings known as Jinn and their acknowledgment of the Quran.
73 Al-Muzzammil 29 Tabarakallazi The Surah is about the Prophet Muhammad being commanded to pray at night and prepare for his mission.
74 Al-Muddaththir 29 Tabarakallazi This Surah emphasizes the importance of conveying the message of Islam and the consequences of disbelief.
75 Al-Qiyama 29 Tabarakallazi Al-Qiyama speaks about the resurrection and the reality of the Day of Judgment.
76 Al-Insan 29 Tabarakallazi The Surah describes the rewards for those who feed the needy and their belief in the Day of Judgment.
77 Al-Mursalat 29 Tabarakallazi Al-Mursalat discusses the messengers of Allah and the consequences for those who reject the message.
78 An-Naba 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon An-Naba talks about the Day of Judgment and its signs.
79 An-Naziat 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon The Surah discusses the various stages of the Day of Judgment and its consequences.
80 Abasa 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon Abasa tells the story of the blind man and the Prophet's interaction with him.
81 At-Takwir 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon The Surah discusses the changing of the universe and the events of the Day of Judgment.
82 Al-Infitar 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon Al-Infitar is about the splitting of the universe on the Day of Judgment.
83 Al-Mutaffifin 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon The Surah condemns those who cheat in their business transactions and warns of the consequences.
84 Al-Inshiqaq 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon Al-Inshiqaq speaks about the splitting of the sky on the Day of Judgment.
85 Al-Burooj 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon The Surah talks about the persecution of the believers and their unwavering faith.
86 At-Tariq 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon At-Tariq discusses the appearance of the morning star and the Day of Judgment.
87 Al-Ala 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon The Surah emphasizes the remembrance of Allah and the importance of prayer.
88 Al-Ghashiya 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon Al-Ghashiya discusses the consequences for those who reject the message of Islam.
89 Al-Fajr 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon This Surah emphasizes the importance of oaths and the consequences of wrongdoing.
90 Al-Balad 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon Al-Balad discusses the concept of human nature and the path of righteousness.
91 Ash-Shams 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon The Surah speaks about the sun and its role as a sign of Allah's power.
92 Al-Lail 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon Al-Lail emphasizes the contrast between good and evil and the consequences of one's actions.
93 Ad-Dhuha 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon This Surah speaks about the morning hours and the blessings of Allah.
94 Ash-Sharh 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon Ash-Sharh discusses the relief and ease that follows hardship.
95 At-Tin 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon The Surah mentions the significance of the fig and the consequences for those who reject the truth.
96 Al-Alaq 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon Al-Alaq is the first revelation to the Prophet Muhammad, emphasizing the act of creation and learning.
97 Al-Qadr 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon The Surah speaks about the Night of Decree and its significance.
98 Al-Bayyina 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon Al-Bayyina discusses the clarity of the Quran's message and the consequences for disbelief.
99 Al-Zalzala 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon The Surah speaks about the earthquake on the Day of Judgment and its effects.
100 Al-Adiyaat 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon Al-Adiyaat discusses the swift horses and their significance.
101 Al-Qaria 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon The Surah speaks about the Day of Judgment and its impact on individuals.
102 At-Takaathur 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon At-Takaathur discusses the excessive desire for worldly gains and its consequences.
103 Al-Asr 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon Al-Asr emphasizes the importance of time and righteous deeds.
104 Al-Humaza 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon This Surah condemns backbiting and slanderous behavior.
105 Al-Feel 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon The Surah tells the story of the elephants and the protection of the Kaaba.
106 Quraish 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon Quraish discusses the blessings of Allah and the importance of worship.
107 Al-Maun 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon Al-Maun speaks about neglecting the needs of the poor and the consequences.
108 Al-Kawthar 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon The Surah discusses the abundance of blessings given to the Prophet Muhammad.
109 Al-Kafiroon 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon Al-Kafiroon emphasizes the rejection of polytheism and idolatry.
110 An-Nasr 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon The Surah discusses the victory and help of Allah in the form of the conquest of Mecca.
111 Al-Masad 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon This Surah speaks about the punishment and consequences for Abu Lahab and his wife.
112 Al-Ikhlaas 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon Al-Ikhlaas emphasizes the oneness of Allah and His attributes.
113 Al-Falaq 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon The Surah seeks protection from evil and harm by seeking refuge in Allah.
114 An-Naas 30 Amma Yatasa'aloon An-Naas seeks protection from the evil of mankind and the whisperings of Satan.
SOURCE: Sources

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